Anger is a normal human emotion that is not often very pleasant. It happens when something unpleasant happens to us. It can come as a fleeting annoyance or rage. According to anger specialist Charles Spielberger PhD, anger is “an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage”. Anger is accompanied by both emotional and biological symptoms. Some of these include Increased heart rate and blood pressure, energy hormone levels, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. The emotion of anger is elicited for both an external and an internal occurrence. We get angry at ourselves, families, friends, coworkers and even strangers. Occasional irritation and angry that is managed appropriately is very healthy. Frequents anger that is not well managed can lead to destruction either in our professional, personal or social relationships. This uncontrolled anger will require anger management groups and other treatment means recommended by your Practitioner (APA, n.d.). Anger negatively affects a person by impairing their judgment, impacting the social image of the person and prevents success. Chronic anger happens when an individual is constantly angry and flares up instantly. This can have some negative health outcomes as well as relationship and career problems (Segal & Smith, 2019). These negative effects include:
• Physical health: Being constantly stressed or anger can affect or bodies and affect our physical wellbeing. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes, decreased immune system, insomnia, and hypertension.
• Mental health: Anger is known to be linked with anility and depression. It takes a lot of energy to be angry and chronic anger can be very intense and clouds the mind. Anger can also cause stress and other mental health issue.
• Relationship: Chronic anger is very dangerous in that is can affect your relationship with family, friends, schoolmates, coworkers. Anger can affect trust, honesty or the comfort of a relationship. If your loved ones have to tiptoe around you so that you do not get angry, they would not trust you or b honest. It can also cause fear and risk for abuse both verbally or physically.
• Career: Anger will affect one’s career because it is difficult to give agree person guidance or criticize their work. Latching out at colleagues or supervisors and clients will affect their respect and will affect the working environment. You may not have a career after a while since constructive criticism debates and differences are normal in the working environment.
Mayoclinc (2018). Anger management: 10 tips to tame your temper. Retrieved from
American Psychological Association (APA). (n.d.). Controlling anger before it controls you. Retrieved from
Segal, J.& Smith, M., (2019). Anger Management. Retrieved from

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